Et la mer s’est mise à brûler

Cie UNA – Cirque dès 9 ans – 1h – Création

Vendredi 17 mars 20h30
Une belle rencontre.

Sido ne connaît pas son père. Il ne sait même pas à quoi il ressemble. Il n’a qu’une idée en tête : mettre une image sur cet homme qui l’a abandonné enfant. A l’enterrement de celui-ci, alors disparu en mer, il fait la connaissance de Rémi, un petit frère à la tête brûlée, aussi bizarre que pot-de-colle, persuadé que leur père est toujours vivant… Entre fantasmes et flash-backs, les deux partent à la recherche de leurs racines pour mieux comprendre qui est ce fantôme qui les relie malgré eux. S’inspirant des contes fantastiques, ce spectacle questionne le lien fraternel, le deuil et l’écueil de la virilité à un âge où l’on verrouille ses peurs, son cœur et ses émotions.

Tarif A

Mise en scène Valia Beauvieux ; Auteur Pierre Le Gall ; Collaboration artistique et direction des acteurs Fiona Chauvin ; Interprètes Michaël Hottier & Guillaume Blanc ; Scénographie et création lumière Maïwenn Cozic ; Création sonore et régie son Philippe Perrin ; Création costumes Coline Dalle ; Regard complice Olivier Letellier ; Production Jérôme Bardeau


  • Raymondpiecy

    Understanding the Workings of Eye Movement Gradual Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy.

    EMDR features received identification while a highly effective treatment solution pertaining to trauma-related problems, however the systems main its remedial consequences remain the main focus of regular exploration and debate. In this forum post, most of us delve straight into the elaborate processes involved within EMDR therapy as well as check out how they bring about to be able to symptom decline and psychological recovery.

    From the particular core connected with EMDR therapy will be the actual strategy of memory reprocessing, which often requires accessing in addition to reconsolidating traumatic memories to help lessen their emotional charge in addition to associated negative beliefs. By means of a few bilateral stimulation techniques, like eye movements, tactile taps, or auditory tones, EMDR strives to help facilitate the actual adaptive processing regarding traumatic experiences within the actual brain’s information processing system.

    One of those offered mechanism of action will be of which the bilateral stimulation utilized in EMDR therapy induces a state of dual attention, enabling individuals to simultaneously concentrate on distressing memories though engaging with external sensory input. This dual attentional focus can be thought to be able to promote desensitization for traumatic material and facilitate the integration of new, additional adaptive information.

    Additionally, EMDR might stimulate the particular release associated with neurobiological factors such as for example endorphins in addition to oxytocin, which might be involved in stress reduction along with social bonding, more enhancing this therapeutic process.

    Though the actual precise mechanisms associated with EMDR therapy are generally still becoming elucidated, the efficacy inside treating trauma-related conditions implies in which the idea engages complex neurobiological processes that will promote psychological healing and resilience.

    [url=]Training in EMDR[/url]
    [url=]Benefits of Eye Movement Desensitization and Re-Processing Learning On the Internet[/url] ec3dce8

  • Kevingox

    Maintaining Your Vaping Device
    Regular maintenance is essential to ensuring your e-cig mod operates well and lasts long. Here are some straightforward guidelines for maintaining your gadget in excellent form. First, clean your device regularly to get rid of any build-up that can impact output. Utilize a soft cloth or Q-tip to wipe down the outer surface and delicately wash the connection points. Examine the accumulator terminals for any signs of damage and swap the power cells if needed. Place your tool in a low-temperature, dry spot to avoid any harm from wetness or high temperatures. If your gadget has a replaceable battery, ensure it is correctly seated and the cover is tight. Regularly refresh the firmware of your device to confirm it is running on the newest version. By sticking to these maintenance tips, you can confirm your vape mod stays in excellent condition and delivers a consistent and satisfying vaping adventure.
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